Publications and Patents
Journal Papers:
Qingzhi Lai, Sidharth Jangra, Hyoung Jun Ahn, Geumbee Kim, Won Tae Joe, and Xinfan Lin, “Analytical Derivation and Analysis of Parameter Sensitivity for Battery Electrochemical Dynamics”, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 472, 2020.
Chien Hsin Chung, Sidharth Jangra, Qingzhi Lai, and Xinfan Lin, “Optimization of Electric Vehicle Charging for Battery Maintenance and Degradation Management”, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 6, p 958-969, 2020.
Ruixin Yang, Rui Xiong, Weixiang Shen, Xinfan Lin, “Extreme Learning Machine Based Thermal Model for Lithium-ion Batteries of Electric Vehicles under External Short Circuit”, Engineering (Elsevier), 2020.
Gang Chen, Xinfan Lin, and Zhaodan Kong, “Data-Driven Real-Valued Timed-Failure-Propagation-Graph Refinement for Complex System Fault Diagnosis”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 5, p 1049-1054, 2021.
Ruixin Yang, Rui Xiong, Suxiao Ma, Xinfan Lin, “Characterization of External Short Circuit Faults in Electric Vehicle Li-Ion Battery Packs and Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks”, Applied Energy, Vol. 260, p 1142-1153, 2020.
Bryn Cloud, Britt Tarien, Ada Liu, Thomas Shedd, Xinfan Lin, Mont Hubbard, R. Paul Crawford, Jason K. Moore, “Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics”, in press, PLOS ONE, Vol. 14, 2019.
Xinfan Lin, Hector E. Perez, Jason B. Siegel, and Anna G. Stefanopoulou. “Robust Estimation of Battery System Temperature Distribution under Sparse Sensing and Uncertainty”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 28, p 753-765, 2019.
Xinfan Lin, Youngki Kim, Shankar Mohan, Jason B. Siegel, and Anna G. Stefanopoulou. “Modeling and Estimation for Advanced Battery Management”, Vol.2, p 393-426, Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 2019.
Ziyou Song, Jun Hou, Heath Hoffman, Xinfan Lin, Jing Sun, “Parameter Identification and Maximum Power Estimation of Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System based on Cramer-Rao Bound Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.34, p4831-4843, 2019
Xinfan Lin, “Theoretical Analysis of Battery SOC Estimation Errors under Sensor Bias and Variance”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.65, p 7138-7148, 2018​​
Ziyou Song, Heath Hoffman, Xinfan Lin, Xuebin Han, Jun Hou. “Parameter identification of lithium-ion battery pack for different applications based on Cramer-Rao bound analysis and experimental study”, Applied Energy, Vol. 231, p1307-1318, 2018
Xinfan Lin, “Analytic Analysis of the Data-Dependent Estimation Accuracy of Battery Equivalent Circuit Dynamics”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol.1, p 304-309, 2017.
Xinfan Lin and Anna G. Stefanopoulou. “Analytic Bound on Accuracy of Battery State and Parameter Estimation”, Journal of Electrochem. Soc. Vol.162, no.9, p A1879-A1891, 2015.
Xinfan Lin, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Yonghua Li, R. Dyche Anderson. “State of Charge Imbalance Estimation for Battery Strings under Reduced Voltage Sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol.23, 1052-1062, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2015.
Xinfan Lin, Hector E. Perez, Shankar Mohan, Jason B. Siegel, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Yi Ding and Matthew P. Castanier. “A Lumped-Parameter Electro-thermal Model for Cylindrical Batteries”, Vol. 257, 1-11, Journal of Power Sources, 2014.
Xinfan Lin, Hector E. Perez, Jason B. Siegel, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Yonghua Li, R. Dyche Anderson, Yi Ding, and Matthew P. Castanier. “Online Parameterization of Lumped Thermal Dynamics in Cylindrical Lithium Ion Batteries for Core Temperature Estimation and Health Monitoring”, Vol.21, 1745-1755, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2013.
Xinfan Lin, Huan Fu, Hector E. Perez, Jason B. Siegel, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Yi Ding, and Matthew P. Castanier. “Parameterization and Observability Analysis of Scalable Battery Clusters for Onboard Thermal Management”, Oil & Gas Science and Technology — Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, France, Vol.68, p 165-178, 2013.
Jason B. Siegel, Xinfan Lin, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Daniel S. Hussey, David L. Jacobson, and David Gorsich. “Neutron Imaging of Lithium Concentration in LFP Pouch Cell”. Journal of Electrochem. Soc., vol.158, no. 6, p A523-A529, 2011.
Xiangjun Li, Liangfei Xu, Jianfeng Hua, Xinfan Lin, Jianqiu Li, and Minggao Ouyang. “Power management strategy for vehicular-applied hybrid fuel cell/battery power system”. Journal of Power Sources, vol. 191, issue 2, p 542–549, 2009.
Jianfeng Hua, Xinfan Lin, Liangfei Xu, Jianqiu Li, and Minggao Ouyang. “Bluetooth wireless monitoring, diagnosis and calibration interface for control system of fuel cell bus in Olympic demonstration”. Journal of Power Sources, vol. 186, issue 2, p 478–484, 2009.
Conference Papers:
Qingzhi Lai, Geumbee Kim, Won Tae Joe, and Xinfan Lin, “Data Optimization for Parameter Estimation under System Uncertainties with Application to Li-ion Battery”, accepted by American Control Conference, 2021.
Mengzhu Gao, Qingzhi Lai, and Xinfan Lin, “Temperature Sensor Deployment for Scalable Battery Packs”, accepted by ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), 2020.
Nicolas Michel, Zhaodan Kong, and Xinfan Lin, “Optimal Control of a Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on a Multiphysical Model”, accepted by ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), 2020.
Qingzhi Lai, Hyoung Jun Ahn, Geumbee Kim, Won Tae Joe, and Xinfan Lin, “Optimization of Current Excitation for Identification of Battery Electrochemical Parameters based on Analytic Sensitivity Expression”, American Control Conference, 2020.
Sidharth Jangra, Chien Hsin Chung, Qingzhi Lai, and Xinfan Lin, “Optimal Maintenance of Electric Vehicle Battery System through Overnight Home Charging”, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2019
Nicolas Michel, Anish Sinha, Zhaodan Kong, and Xinfan Lin, "Multiphysical Modeling of Energy Dynamics for Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS), 2019.
Qingzhi Lai, Sidharth Jangra, Hyoung Jun Ahn, Geumbee Kim, Won Tae Joe, and Xinfan Lin, “Analytical Sensitivity Analysis for Battery Electrochemical Parameters”, American Control Conference, 2019
Xinfan Lin, “A Data Selection Strategy for Real-time Estimation of Battery Parameters”, American Control Conference, 2018
Xinfan Lin, “Analytic Analysis of the Data-Dependent Estimation Accuracy of Battery Equivalent Circuit Dynamics”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017
Yi Ren, Hope Yao and Xinfan Lin, “Topology Optimization of Structural Systems Considering both Compliance and Input Observability”, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2017
Xinfan Lin, “Analytic Derivation of Battery SOC Estimation Error under Sensor Noises”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017
Xinfan Lin, “On the Analytic Accuracy of Battery SOC, Capacity and Resistance Estimation”, American Control Conference, 2016
Xinfan Lin and Tae-Kyung Lee, “Space-Resolved Reduced Order Modeling of Prismatic Battery Thermal Dynamics”, American Control Conference, 2015.
Xinfan Lin, Shankar Mohan, Jason B. Siegel, and Anna G. Stefanopoulou. “Temperature Estimation in a Battery String under Frugal Sensor Allocation”, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2014.
Xinfan Lin, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Yonghua Li and R. Dyche Anderson. “State of charge estimation of cells in series connection by using only the total voltage measurement”, American Control Conference, 2013.
Xinfan Lin, Hector E. Perez, Jason B. Siegel, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Yonghua Li and R. Dyche Anderson. “Quadruple adaptive observer of the core temperature in cylindrical li-ion batteries and their health monitoring”, American Control Conference, 2012.
Jason B. Siegel, Xinfan Lin, and Anna G. Stefanopoulou. “On the accuracy and simplifications of battery models using in situ measurements of lithium concentration in operational cells”, American Control Conference, 2012.
Hector. E. Perez, Jason B. Siegel, Xinfan Lin, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Yi Ding, and Matthew P. Castanier. “Parameterization and validation of an integrated electro-thermal LFP battery model”, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2012.
Xinfan Lin, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Patricia Laskowsky, James S. Freudenberg, Yonghua Li, and R.Dyche Anderson. “State of charge estimation error due to parameter mismatch in a generalized explicit lithium ion battery model”, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2011.
Jason B. Siegel, Xinfan Lin, A. G. Stefanopoulou, and David Gorsich. “Neutron imaging of lithium concentration in battery pouch cells”, American Control Conference, 2011.
Jianfeng Hua, Liangfei Xu, Xinfan Lin, Mingyin Hu, Jianqiu Li, and Minggao Ouyang. “MEMS and J2ME based acceleration real-time measurement and monitoring system for fuel cell city bus”, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, 2009.
Xinfan Lin, Lei Bao, Jianfeng Hua, Liangfei Xu, Jianqiu Li, and Minggao Ouyang. “A time-triggered CAN network and test platform for fuel cell bus”, SAE International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Congress, paper Number: 2008-01-1534, 2008.
Jianfeng Hua, Xinfan Lin, Liangfei Xu, Ping Guo, Jianqiu Li, and Ouyang Minggao. “Application and study of novel electronic technologies on vehicle control system of fuel cell bus”, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2008.
Detection of imbalance across multiple battery cells measured by the same voltage sensor,
US patent No. 9,770,997
Reduced order battery thermal dynamics modeling for controls, US patent No. 9,692,093
Sensor system for measuring battery internal state, US patent No. 9,970,993
Estimating core temperatures of battery cells in a battery pack, US patent No. 10,230137
Adaptive estimation of wiring resistance in battery systems, US patent No. 10,207,596
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